Tuesday 2 August 2016


Eccl 2:18-23
Colossians 3:1-11
Luke 12:13-21

We may come to the parable of the rich fool with a sense of self-righteous security. But, having a closer look at the parable reveals to us some truth. Verses 13-21 of Luke's gospel are a part of a larger piece, and thus we cannot separate the warnings and instructions from the words of Jesus to the disciples which follow them. In our text Jesus warned against "all kinds of greed" which suggests that greed has a variety of forms, some of which may tempt the rich, and others of which may tempt the less affluent. Therefore we are encouraged to set our hearts on things above.

It is very important for us to approach our lesson and our text with a clear grasp of the fact that we are looking at but a piece of a much larger whole. This large and unruly crowd seems to have set the scene, not only for the first section (vv 1-12), where Jesus warned His disciples about the danger of hypocrisy. But in the next section, He teaches the Boldness in living out discipleship which deals with material possessions, for we know that boldness as disciples in hostile environment may cost one his property. (Hebrews 10:32-34)

Someone in the crowd said to him, *"Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me"*. The man seems to have recognised Jesus only as a teacher not as the Messiah. What the man wants is a judge, not a teacher.

The request is not only for Jesus to do that which was outside of His calling, but also that which was selfish, in that it would not in any way contribute to the teaching needs of those in the crowd.

Jesus responded as a teacher, teaching, from the man's own words, the error of his actions, and drawing from this "interruption" lessons of broad and general applicability. Luke 12:14.

Jesus' words spell out the evil motive behind the man's request: greed. In order to avoid greed, one must both *"watch out"* for them and *"be on their guard"* against them.

I believe that the story of the parable of the rich fool reveals several "foolish" elements in this man's thinking and actions.

Consider them with me for a moment :

i. The rich fool was foolish in failing to recognize where his wealth had come from.

ii. The rich fool erred in his understanding of the purpose of wealth.

iii. The rich fool was foolish in that he saw his possessions as his security, and as the basis for his ceasing to be productive.

vi. The rich fool was foolish both in the way he defined life and in the way he thought life was to be obtained.

Jesus was not primarily teaching teachers how to teach, but rather teaching us all how to live. Let's therefore focus on those principles which should govern the way we live.

1.  One's view of the future determines one's present conduct.

2. One's definition of what constitutes life is central and crucial to the way we live our lives.

3. Life does not consist in the abundance of things, even for those who can accumulate much.

Precious One!
The command is clear: protect yourself from the unquenchable desire for more and more possessions and set your heart on things above.
 The reason is clear: God is not impressed by how many cars you have, how big your house is, how much money you have, or your stock option. Therefore, knowing your life belongs to God, use the possessions you have to meet your needs and the needs of others. If you do this, you demonstrate that you are a follower and worshipper of Jesus the Christ. Set your heart on things above. Enjoy the service.

Stay blessed.


Joshua 10:13

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed , until the people had arranged themselves upon their enemies.
Glory be unto our Most high God who has blessed us with all heavenly blessings and has brought us into a fresh Month which is loaded with his might.
God who created the universe and everything in it has power over all things. He has power to stop the rain, the sun and moon.
I have had the opportunity to walk with Christians who hold certain leadership positions in their various Churches but who ascribes certain miracles to come from God and others from evil forces.
I do ask myself this question that, how would they have reacted to the healing of the blind man where Jesus spat on the floor to heal him.
No wonder that through Apostles John's revelation, the first people to go to hell are unbelievers.

Most Christians are unbelievers and whatever you believe in is what you receive. The only thing some so called Christians use to identify a false prophet is the kind of miracles they see God do through him.
The bible says with Man it's impossible but with God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27).
As we enter a new month, I commend you to God and to trust him totally that He is able to do all things.

 If we serve the same God who was able to stop the sun and moon at the same time then anything which seem to be impossible shall be possible this month in Jesus Name.
Never associate yourself with people who have limited the power of God at work in them and stick to the word and as you read and walk it.

Beloved I admonish you to put your trust in God starting from today through your walk in Christ and the impossibilities shall become possible in Jesus Name.
Now, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray that as we start a new month anything that is competing with your success be removed. Any thing that seem impossible be accomplished in Jesus Name.



Samson's parents knew the secret of his strength since birth since, yet the told no one. (Judges 13:5)

The day Delilah heard of it, she sold revealed it to Samson's enemies and brought him brought to ordinary. (Judges 16: 17-20)

1. Everyone qualifies for your love but not all those you love qualifies to know the secret of your life. Because, some can't handle it whiles others can't wait to trade it for personal again.

2. The enemy that will destroy will not come with a sword but with a smile. Beware of them and be sober.

3. Failure to keep the secrets of Friends, do not only breach trust but also brings downfall.

How many times do we allow ourselves to be deceived by flattery and give in to temptation and wrong belief? Don't allow anyone, no matter how attractive, persuasive or persistent, to talk you into doing wrong. Avoid falling prey to deceit by asking God to help you distinguish between deception and truth.



Ecclesiastes 9:11-18
“It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools. For like the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. This also is vanity.” - Ecclesiastes 7:5, 6 (NKJV)
This question is an unpopular one and seems absurd. We however have to ask it. ‘Fool’ here does not refer to personalities, but the actions of a person.
The wise king, Solomon, did not hesitate to put the word in contrast with wisdom. It is obvious from both the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes that any person whose bad decision makes things hard for him or puts his own life and that of others into jeopardy is acting foolishly.
It does not matter what one’s academic credentials, or achievements are – to be wise, you must be able to use your knowledge to take right decisions at the right time. In fact, every problem in this world has a solution but knowing the right thing to do at the right time is where the difficulty lies.
Seeking the wisdom of God, who is all-knowing, is the source of wisdom. He admonishes us to seek wisdom because He knows its importance for our lives (James 1:5). Getting this wisdom will go a long way to bring you success than being strong and always ready to demonstrate your ability physically (Ecclesiastes 9:16).
In your marriage, work, your Christian life, and all facets of your career, you need to exhibit high sense of wisdom so that every type of decision you make does not become detrimental to your career.
• Are my decisions accurate enough to bring me success?
• Am I really wise in dealing with critical issues?
Our heavenly Father, may you offer me wisdom in everything that I do.
“The ear that hears the rebukes of life will abide among the wise.” - Proverbs 15:31.


The proximity of a Man to his destiny is determined by the regularity of his knees to the ground.
Describing yourself by earthly nativity is carnality because you are born of God and a citizen of Heaven.
If You don't like what u are going through and all that is happening around you, then
Get your knees to the ground and let your voice be heard



THE NEW MAN Passage: Colossians 3:8 – 13 [KJV] “ 8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communic...