Tuesday 2 August 2016


Joshua 10:13

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed , until the people had arranged themselves upon their enemies.
Glory be unto our Most high God who has blessed us with all heavenly blessings and has brought us into a fresh Month which is loaded with his might.
God who created the universe and everything in it has power over all things. He has power to stop the rain, the sun and moon.
I have had the opportunity to walk with Christians who hold certain leadership positions in their various Churches but who ascribes certain miracles to come from God and others from evil forces.
I do ask myself this question that, how would they have reacted to the healing of the blind man where Jesus spat on the floor to heal him.
No wonder that through Apostles John's revelation, the first people to go to hell are unbelievers.

Most Christians are unbelievers and whatever you believe in is what you receive. The only thing some so called Christians use to identify a false prophet is the kind of miracles they see God do through him.
The bible says with Man it's impossible but with God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27).
As we enter a new month, I commend you to God and to trust him totally that He is able to do all things.

 If we serve the same God who was able to stop the sun and moon at the same time then anything which seem to be impossible shall be possible this month in Jesus Name.
Never associate yourself with people who have limited the power of God at work in them and stick to the word and as you read and walk it.

Beloved I admonish you to put your trust in God starting from today through your walk in Christ and the impossibilities shall become possible in Jesus Name.
Now, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray that as we start a new month anything that is competing with your success be removed. Any thing that seem impossible be accomplished in Jesus Name.


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