Thursday 13 July 2017


Passage: Exodus 29:15 – 18

Memory Verse: Genesis 22: 1 – 18
“He said to his servants, stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” [Genesis 22: 5 NIV]

We learnt  in Genesis 22: 1 – 4, that when Abraham was told to offer up Isaac, who was his only son and heir to the promise which is by faith, obeyed and believed God to know best.
Now, when he was going to the mountain up along with his son, he made a remarkable statement to his servants who were with him. He said “We go to worship” (Genesis 22:5). Abraham saw the burnt offering as an act of worship and servitude. As believers we also are admonished by God to offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Roman 12:1).

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”(Romans 12:1 NIV)

Even as the offering was to be given wholly and not only a part of it, so also are we believers supposed to take our everyday, ordinary life, sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life and place it before God. It is only when, we believers give ourselves fully to God that we can end up being to Him a sweet smelling savour (a sweet or pleasing aroma), even as Christ gave Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice unto God (Eph. 5:1 – 2).

A believer must not have in mind that somethings must only be done on Saturdays, Sundays, Xmas and Easter celebrations. A believer must know that his or her life is to be a continual burnt offering. A believer’s Sabbath is not only the day he goes to fellowship with his Local Assembly but he or she has entered into a perpetual Sabbath, even as Christ is our Sabbath and we are in Him. (Colossians 2:16 – 17, Romans 14:5 – 8).

One thing to note as believers is that though we are being admonished to give our live as living sacrifices, it is in our very own interests to do so. This is because, by giving our whole selves to God, we are actually giving ourselves wholly to His perfect plan for our lives, which is for our own good. This must be our everyday and mind set, to worship God by giving ourselves wholly to Him.

One of the main reasons why we find this difficult to do is because, we forget that fact that we are not our own. We were bought with a price and we do not belong to ourselves. This, we must glorify God, both in our bodies and in our spirits which are all God’s (1 Corinthians 6:11-20).

To be a living sacrifice means to surrender all things to God and acknowledge Him as both Lord (Master) and Christ. It is only when we acknowledge His Lordship that we can submit to His authority. To be a living sacrifice, in plain terms, means to submit, thus, to live as such means to daily submit to God’s headship and authority and obey Him at all times.

Submission is never a pleasant thing to do. It means subjection of one’s will, foregoing some pleasures and joys, obeying at all times and dying to desire of the flesh. It is virtually impossible to do. But the only way it can be done is to acknowledge the Holy Spirit who is at work in you and His power which works mightily in you (Philippians 2:13).

It is never our doing but God who causes us to triumph. When He causes us to walk in that victory parade, we become to Him a sweet scented and exquisite fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14-15). Fellowship is key if we intend to make this a reality.

We are alive unto God ad dead to sin. Our bodies are not ours but the Lord’s. Though we have our wills and desires, yet we are to submit it wholly unto God, just as a burnt offering is wholly consumed by fire. By so doing, we are bond to walk in His perfect plan for our lives and hence walk in the benefits thereof.



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